Holdem manager 2 code
Holdem manager 2 code

If your hand import had an error you can click the Errors button to view more detailed information. Select an Import and click the Details button to view more information. Use Import History to see specifics about recent hand imports. Be careful about importing the note file multiple times because you will start to have lots of duplicate notes. Player notes get added to the end of the current player notes. Player note color coding will be added to all notes when you import the note file if the player has a note color when the note was exported. Name the file what you want it to be called and click Save. This will export all HM3 notes where you have taken a note on a player. To export player notes click Tools>Export Player Notes.

holdem manager 2 code

Select your HM2 Database, Date Range, Poker Sites, Game Types, Buyin, Speed, Table Size and Tournament Type and click Import.Click Tools>Import HM2 Tournament Results.If your HM2 database had any tournaments where you manually edited the results, use this option to import those modified tournament results. Select a date range of hands or leave blank to select all dates.Ĭlick "Start Export" after you select the hand export options you want.Change the directory where hands are exported.Once you select a folder to save your hands you will have the following options:.Select a folder where you want your hands to be saved on your hard drive.Purge Button - Starts the purge process.Įxport Hands will export every hand in your Holdem Manager 3 database.Date Range - Select the date range of the hands to purge.Poker Sites - Select All Sites or a specific site to purge hands from.Check the Save Hands Played by Box then press the Select button to select a player.Save Hands Played by - Used to exclude hero hands in the purge process.Purge Hands removes hands from the HM3 database based on the selected filters. Once you open the database you want to restore you can choose to restore your database and HM3 configuration files.Select the database you want to restore.Click File > New Database to create a new HM3 database. Configuration: This will backup HM3 configuration files.īefore you Restore a Database create a new database because the database you currently have open will be completely overwritten when you start the Restore Database process.Database: These are your hands stored in your HM3 database.Folder: Choose where you want the backup database to be by pressing the three dots on the right.Backup Name: Pick a name for your database backup and enter it here.

holdem manager 2 code

You also setup preferred seating at the poker table and time zone settings for your poker site(s).īacking up your HM3 database is very easy. Site Settings is where you setup automatic hand history importing for your poker site(s). Site Settings FAQ pages are located here: Tools > Site Settings (FAQ) The Tools>Settings FAQ pages are located here: Tools > Settings (FAQ)

Holdem manager 2 code