Therefore, due to the advent of personal computers and color monitors, the development of teaching materials in the language learning process was made possible. Thus, the type of teaching materials that are created, are mainly a consequence of the physical and processing abilities of modern technology. The learning process through the use of technologies is directly influenced by the industry that develops hardware and software (Warschauer, 1996). Authors propose a practice where the meaning is explored through the understanding of what happens in the context by using 3D holograms as an optical illusion. What indeed exists is the application of recycled technology created for other purposes but used for English learning.
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Findings led to the conclusion that a guide on how to build specialized technology in English learning as a second language does not exist.
From this, they conceptualize the symbolic competence through the ecological theory in order to design a computer-assisted language learning practice. Likewise, authors look at fundamental aspects of technology literacy and how this is rooted in users' contexts.
Therefore, an exploration about how technologies have evolved in the practice of learning English as a second language was required. AbstractThis chapter proposes to establish a starting point in the design of technology specialized in the development of listening comprehension skills from a theoretical perspective, when learning English as a second language.